Monday, November 19, 2012

Update on Research and Essay 4

Link to survey:

My surveying process right now is almost done. I have manage to get 13 responses, but plan to get the last two survey takers today so I can begin on the paper writing process. After looking over the responses to the 10 question it seems that most survey takers are aware that North Carolina is home to the nations biggest hog farming industry and have harmful effects to the enviornment. The data also shows that many know about hog farming and their health conditions as well as indiviuals that don't.

1 comment:

  1. It seems that you already have you analysis well thought out based on your responses. It seems like your survey takers are aware of their surroundings and how harmful hog farming is. Maybe add an extra level of analysis by hypothesizing how people perceive this and may change where they buy food from.
