Friday, December 3, 2010

SAT Word Practice

1.Anna's twin sister Kelly quit the debate team as soon as a veteran debater embarrassed her after presenting a week argument; the same thing happened to Anna a week earlier, but due to her resleince she battled back the next week and thwarted the best debater on the team.

2.Even though it is considered a classic, Garrett's T-Model Ford from the 1920's raised a few eyebrows when he drove into the school parking lot on Friday—students saw it as an anachronism

3.Even though Breanna fell in love and eventually married, the melancholy from her first devastating relationship lingered in her heart.

4.Due to one curse word, Mr. English had to censor Tyler's Huck Finn video—he could not play it in class.

5.Ms. McKinney elicted a love for math in Jacob that no other math teacher previously had been able to do.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Pro Pollution

Pollution is a wonderful thing, it has many benefits and overall positive results. Pollution creates jobs for workers, promotes global warming research,and it gives humans the want to create more enviorment friendly fuel.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Point of View

      When it comes to personal hygiene,people should alwasys present a clean version of himself or herself. Unfortunately, so many people neglect this importance. In particular, bad breath, also known as halitosis, seems to be an epidemic these days. When someone open his or her mouth, one should not smell a trash dumpster! People with this is should go to a local drugstore and use their money to buy a tongue scaper, dental floss, mouth wash, toothpaste, and of course, a tooth brush. With that being said, body odor is another issue one should not have to deal with. If someone do not take a bath in the morning before he or she go to school, simply wiping deoderant under your armpits andwalking through a mist of body spray will not hide the funk! If someone does not bathe each morning,by the end of the day he or she will literally walk around with a cloud of odor lingering around himself or herself. In summation, people be more considerate and more aware of how his or her hygiene affects others.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Defend, Refute, or Qualify

Quote: " Second is only the first loser. "

" Second is only the first loser", I believe that this quote is a true statment. After the first contender finishes the race, everyone behind him are considered losers. Even though second place is looked at as runner up , the one that finishes second didn't win the whole race.

Friday, November 19, 2010


Emotion plays an important role in an argument. Emotion helps gets ones point across and shows that one is very serious about a subject or belief. Emotion helps one better understand the writer.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


You can use argrumentative skills to help out with jobs interviews to show that you are independent and agrressive about things, college to help out with work given, and debates to show that you can argue your point across.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Reconstruction can be used when referring to anything that deals with rebuilding or fixing. The time period now can be linked to the word reconstruction when talking about the oil spill clean up process and the reconstruction of America's encomy.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Con Artist

Every morning before school I pay a visit to my locker. I keep careful watch for the teachers, making sure they don't uncover my secret duty. I'm a extra credit seller, I make a profit off of selling extra credit to students that are failing or need a couple of points to get the grade they desire. Its a hard job, but someone has to do it; that someone is me.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Dash Practice

1. The old, friendly farmer down the road turned out to be an evil little man--he killed four people with his chainsaw.

Rebecca kissed her best friend's boyfriend--now she is dealing with social suicide.

My friend Carter is not picky when it comes to choosing women, but there is one thing he he hates and will make no exceptions for--that is ugly feet.

It is extremely difficult to create sentences when I have writer's blockI make it work.

I play several sports but I find baseball to be most natural--I have made all-stars eight years, continuously.

Near Death

I near death experience I had is when I was in the wave pool at a water park. I was on a tube floating in the 5ft section when the waves were activated. I saw that i was drifting farther out into the 6ft area. I quickly flipped over before I went out too far; when I flipped I went down into the water. The water was too deep for me and my tube was too far away for me to reach. I managed to jump my way back into the 5ft and then I was safe

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Since the Southerners lost the Civil War I think that they should have gave up part of their land to the North. I also think that the South should pay back the depts of the costly war.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

If Slavery was still here

If the Civil War have never happened and slavery still thrived, inventions created by African Americans would have never been invented and the thoughts on dominance over other races could increase. The South seceded from the Union because of disagreements on the slavery issue.

Friday, November 5, 2010

1.When writing an essay for the SAT, a student's essay must encompass a well-rounded display of sentence variety, variety in use of punctuation, succinct word choice, and, last but not least, a grounded yet original argument.

2.In The Batman Series, the Joker often beguile Batman and his sidekick Robin; however, the dynamic duo always gets the better of him in the end.

3.Dr. Duckworth passionately reiterated the quote “Inspect what you expect” at the end of all our faculty meetings.

4.In 2005 at the Wimbledon final, number one ranked tennis player in the world Serena Williams expected to thwart her novice opponent Maria Sharapova; however, that most certainly was not the case as the seventeen year old beauty stunned the world to take the final in two highly contested sets.

5.South Carolina secede from the nation in 1861, setting off a domino effect that would lead to the American Civil War.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

John Brown

I think John Brown was a man dedicated to his cause, but in the end his decication turned into insanity. He was raised as a child to oppose slavery, so his actions were results from his beliefs. The turning point in his cause began when he started to use volience to support his cause.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Semicolons (;)

1.Laura's caffeine addiction spiraled out of control; she drank so much coffee that cirrhosis of the liver began to set in, yet she continued to ingest dangerous amounts of caffeine.

2.Civil Wars wage on around the world; one is being waged at this moment in Iraq.

3.John Brown believed God spoke to him and urged him to kill all who were in favor of slavery; on the other hand, later experts who studied him believed that Brown most likely fell victim to schizophrenia and his “whispers from God” were most likely hallucinations that stemmed from his mental disorder.

4.Carson averages one home run every two games; unfortunately, he has a tendency to drop “fly balls” when he is playing in the outfield, and he runs around the bases as if he has bricks tied to his ankles.

5.Abraham Lincoln did not find early success as a politician; as a matter of fact, he lost over five consecutive elections before being elected.

Friday, October 29, 2010

SAT words

1. In many Native American cultures of the American southwest, the presence of an owl heralds the coming of death.

2. In Oedipus Rex, King Oedipus reinforces his formerly stated proclamation of punishing the killer of King Laius-- he blinds himself.

3.Lindsay Harper made national news by crossing the finish line of a five mile marathon. Miraculously, she crossed the finish line with a broken femur suffered from a fall at mile marker four; therefore, she prevalied in overcoming the immense pain of her broken bone to finish the marathon.

4.Abraham Lincoln will always be known as the American president who emanicipated the slaves from oppression, thus changing the course of American history.

5.Although Reverend Harper claims to be a pious man of God, he can of often be found at Juice's, a bar on the outskirts of town, on Saturday nights gulping Hennesy and dealing poker cards to his buddies.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Whigs vs Democrats

Whigs: Weaker government and more more citizen participatiuon
Democrats: Stronger government less citzen participation

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Manifest Destiny

belief that the United States was destined, even divinely ordained, to expand across the North American continent, from the Atlantic seaboard to the Pacific Ocean

Monday, October 25, 2010


It is a cold wet day, my clothes are ruined and my shoes are no more. My work on the plantation tomorrow will be difficult now since my protection for my feet is useless now. My back is painted in red from the beating I got from working to slow today. I contiune to dream of a day when I will be free, I have to go now master is coming.

Friday, October 22, 2010

SAT Words week 11

1.My mother warned me to never ___________________ in the home life of friends; she said it is a speedy way to lose friends and create enemies; therefore, it is best to focus one's own life.

2.With one feathery breath, Tanisha ________________ Jessica's tower made of a deck of poker cards.

3.Some teachers punish students for being ____________________ while other teachers welcome the verbal energy created by those types of students.

4.My new boss seems to ___________________ even the most skilled and competent workers, making them feel as important as gum at the bottom of a trash can.

5.Against our desire for a school free weekend, my fourth block AP Calculus teacher _______________ us with an eight page worksheet to complete by Monday.






Thursday, October 21, 2010

If I was President

If I was president I would only fight if there was an specific reason. I would try to have peace with other countries and try to take a dispute out before taking actions; This way many lives and money can be saved.

Monday, October 18, 2010


The rumors that would come out against me would be:
  • I'm on drugs
  • I sleep around
  • Bad Influence
  • I hang around the wrong people
  • Dropped out of school
  • Heartless and cruel

Friday, October 15, 2010

Vocab Practice Test

The perpetual whining of the spoiled children at the daycare vexed Anita more than hearing nails scraped across a chalkboard.

Knowing he was responsible for someone's death due to drunk driving encumbered Shawn's peace of mind; he never overcame the guilt.

The wrecking ball annihalated the dilapidated school within minutes leaving little more than dust.

In order to make her twin sister feel inferior, Jackie flunted her nearly perfect report card in front of her parents and her twin sister; her twin sister's report card had many more flaws.

When a person has the first major fight with his or her lover, he or she must employ grace under pressure in order to not make the situation worse and lead to a break up.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Standing here as your new president, I would like to take the time out to show my gratitude.  I would like to thank the many voters that believed in what I represented, I would like to say that my competitors fought a good match, and last but surely not least I would like to give all thanks to the almighty God.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

To Do List

  • Finish The 5W's Notes
  • Start on the Shoe narrative
  • Keep up with the Virtue Schdule
  • Study For Chemistry Test
  • Study For Pre Cal Quiz
  • Biboliography
  • Ben Frank Poster

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


The things done well and liked:
1) Flow from one event to the next
2) The actions of the shoe
3) How the characters emotions and the shoe connected
4) The ending of the shoe life during that event
5) The imagery

Monday, October 11, 2010


Thomas, Alice. "You are What You Eat." Discovery Health, 3 June 2010. Web.
      12 August 2010.

Friday, October 8, 2010

SAT Words

 On Wednesday, Kaleb hurled a marble across the classroom to crack Denise's computer monitor; on Thursday, he cackled uncontrollably when Amy tripped over a stray book; his _______________ behavior landed him a week of ISS. asinine

Having been replaced by the more modern CD's and MP3 players, record players and eight track tapes are considered ________________ technology. obsolete

 After struggling miserably with quadratic equations for two weeks, the structure of the formula suddenly made sense to Keith; he had an ___________________ and from that point forward he never missed another quadratic equation on a test.


 In order to escape the monotony of life in Ellebre and his ______________ existence, Brad moved to Las Vegas, Nevada on a whim.  humdrym

 In his English 405 class at UNC-Chapel Hill, Donovan is studying how the syntax of Shakespeare's writing influenced modern sentence structure; he is studying ______________.


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Travel back in time

If I could travel back in time, I would want to go back to my 8th grade year. Going back to this time I would be with most of my friends and it would be less stressful. Going back I could also prevent my self from signing up for SEarCH.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Need to know

What topics need to be covered
How much information is needed
Is there a certain amount of sources needed

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Great Story

What makes a story great is it ability to create an mental image and its the story has to appeal to my interest. One can write a great story by using a great diction and use figuritive lanuage. The story should have a attention grabing opening, attention keeping events, and characters that are interesting.

Monday, October 4, 2010

123 vs 60

If I was blessed with the long life of Margeret James, I would have been able the withness the evolution of technology. I also would have been able to experince the fashion change that changes from generation to generation. I would also be able to meet my great great grand children if I lived to be 123 years old.

Friday, October 1, 2010


A cliche' I use frequently in speech is "Get right or get left".

live in the present not in the past- Don't keep talking about stuff that happened a long time ago, talk about the things thats going on now.

suffer the consequences- Whatever you choose, wrong or right, yiou have to live with the outcome.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I think that death is the main subject in most of their work because of the fact that it is not desired by most people. Since people tries not to talk about death, I think writers and movie makers make it their job to talk and present it . With there work they can come up with mutiple ways of dying, which is an oppurtunity to grasp viewers/readers attention.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Individual vs Group

I think it is important to be both an indiviual and part of a group. It is important to be an indiviual because being indiviual can teach you how to be independent which is a important quality to have, and it can keep you out of harmful conflicts. The importance of being in a group is that it helps you develop better social skills and it helps you create family  like realationships with fellow classmates.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Bathroom Phone number

James had just departed from the airplane and was walking into the airport. He just came back from another boring work meeting. James wanted to use the bathroom before he began his long ride back home. While he washing his hands, he glanced up and a number caught his attention; The number read "897-285-0S19". He decided to dail the number just to play a prank on whoever was the owner of the number, but to his surprise the number he dailed was a undercover spy agency; he had a option to become a new spy if he just press 7. James pondered this decision for atleast 5 minutes before making his once in a lifetime chance.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Ap Exam

What will the exam consist of?
What is the amount yuo can miss to pass?
Is grammer big in the writing part?
How long does the essays have to be?
How long should you spend on planning before you begin writng your essays?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Underline, Quotes, Italicize

Italicize-  Published books, pamphlets, brochures, magazines, newsletters, essays, journals, and poems
Underline- Book titles and Novels
Quotes- Articles, Chapters of books,Short stories, Short poems, reports,speeches, and papers

Underline- When writing
Italicize- When typing
Quotes- use for excerpts and short pieces

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Promise for this 6 weeks

I promise to get my work done earlier so I won't be stressed with work and practice.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

You Can Do It!!!

Ernie you arre the man, you can pass this. Remember you can miss 7 to pass this test. Just read the question clearly and mark out answers that don't make sense.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Repping Dallas, Texas to the max, Ush Rayson, is a 20 year old raising star in the music industry and NFL. He is currently a linebacker for the Texans, a music artist, and a actor.  Ush hobbies consist of drawing, dancing, sports, music, watching movies, and collecting watches. Ush paved his way to fame from his hits "YEAH I mean NO, Burns , & Concessions Part III". Ush has comfirmed that he is currently in the studio working on his next album "Against"

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Soul Mate

Me and some friends were hanging around a side, when a group of girls that we fuss with all the time came up; there group looked different today. It was a new girl with, she was light skin, pretty brown eyes, long hair, with a smile that could light up a room.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Dating Game

A since of humor and a variety of questions are two tips I got from watching the dating game. It keeps the audience entertained and grabs their attention. Another thing I've got from the dating game was making sure the questions are class apropriate.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Dating Game

I think the greatest challenge of the Dating Game will be playing the role we picked perfectly. We have to dressed like the character we've picked and take on completely new identity. We have to make people believe that we are a totally a different person.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I think I would rate my work performance an high B. With football taking up most of my time after school I think I have done well with trying to keep my grades up in AP. Chemisty is an easier subject to me, so  I know I have done well in there because math is my favorite subject. The only A I think I have is in weightlifting and that class is a breeze.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

New Identity

If i could steal anyone's identity for a day, I would steal Alabama's own Ronlando McClain. I would choose him because he is a high profiled rookie in the 2010 football season. He is making millions of dollars only in his 1st season, and is thought to have a long career in the NFL. Ronlando McClain has went to a highly ranked college and has played in the championship against the Texas Longhorns.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Bus Driver's Life

A bus driver's life is very fancinating, everyone thinks it's a easy job, picking up kids and dropping them off; this is absoultly wrong. Yes, bus drivers picks up kids and drops them off, but after they complete this task thats when  the real party starts. After bus drivers meet at school, they all gather on one bus and then go out. They go to restaurants, go shopping, and even visit the beach.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Quiz 9/3

1) Meteors give off a bright light threw out the night sky, a light that would catch anyones attetention. The 3 meteors represent Dimmesdale, mighty Hester, and young Pearl. The sight of their family together and holding hands was an amazing sight. Everything that has been not spoken of and kept in the closet has now been brought to light. This was the meaning behind the black glove. "A pure hand needs no glove to cover it",  Dimmesdale realized that there was no point of hiding any longer, so he didn't need to pretend anymore.

2) The family's bond when they came to gather holding hands was strong. The electric chain was used to describe how powerful their connection was. Even though a electric chain can go not seen you can still feel the power that it has. Dimmesdales' reaction to the shock reveal that the bond was so powerful that it breath new life in him. He has gone years living a 2 life lifestyle and he finally knew how it felt to not prentend any longer.

3) The meaning of the scarlett letter changed over the years by losing its sinful meaning. Perviously the letter was the shamful badge of umpurity and dishonor, and whoever wore it was considered an outcast of the town. Now that 7 years has past Hester has compeletly redefined the meaning of the scarlett letter. Hester is no longer consider a low life woman, but considered one of the town's most respected. Towns people are starting to take the letter upon Hester's chest a token. As she walked through the town people would recognize her as a woman of great deeds and her generosity.

4)  One of the things said that caught my eye in Hester and Chillingworth's conversation was the part when Hester asked should the truth be revealed. This is a very serious matter because Chillingsworth's reputation was in the hands of Hester. Chillensworth being the towns well known and respected medincine man could be put to shame, if Hester decides to get revenge for the time she spent being persecuted and shamed.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." ~Bill Watterson, Calvin and Hobbes
I connected with this quote because my schdule is real tight and stressful with school and football. I hardly have time to do anything with the time I have left when I get home from practice. When I get home I start on work and then go to bed, and tomorrow it the same rountine.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Slaves Life

          Today is another ordinary day, work untill sun up and untill sun day on the plantation picking cotton. The days hours goes by slow and the heat is almost unbarable. When my master give my people and I breaks we spend time learning about God and singing hymns. The hymns we sing keep us strong and gives us hope for a better tomorrow as long as we believe and have faith in God. Another activty we do is have friendly races, this gives us a chance to have fun and run away from our troubles.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

"Reflection" by Christina Aguilera

I picked "Reflection" because it describes how Dimmesdale is feeling. Dimmesdale wants to tell the truth about his dark secret because its a heavy burden on his heart and started to effect his health " About this period, however, the health of Mr. Dimmesdale had edviently begun to fail.". Christina said in the song, "Now I see If I wear a mask I can fool the world But I cannot fool my heart." this relates to Dimmesdale is forced to keep it in to please the towns people, " The young divine, whose scholar like little less than heavenly ordained apostle, destined, should he live and labor for the ordinary term of life, to do as great deeds, for the now feeble New England Church, as early Fathers had acheived for the infancy of the Christiain faith.  From this quote you can gather that the towns people thinks very highly of Dimmesdale and exspects him to do great thing.
 "Look at me You may think you see who I really am but you'll never know me", Dimmesdale knew that the people thought that he wasn't who they thought he was, and him and Hester were really the only ones that really knew about the dark truth. "When will my reflection show Who I am inside?" Dimmesdale doesn't know when the time will come when he tells the truth, he wants to break free, but doesn't want his want of freedom to bethe down fall of him. "I cannot fool my heart", Dimmesdale heart is screaming out to tell the truth and the situation is constantly on his concious.  Overall the song "Reflection" message is a cry out to be the real person you are and stop acting like a person you are not; the message is Dimmesdale current situation.

Monday, August 30, 2010

John Winthrop

The Puritans believed that God was number one and should be honored. They believed that they were the ones to be and everyone was watching and imitating them.

Friday, August 27, 2010

TSL 9-11

The most distrubing part, to me, was in chapter 9. Chillingworth wanted to know everything about Dimmesdale; his toughts, feelings, and action. Chillingworth was similar to a stalker, someone that watches your every move. Chillingworth wanted to know Dimmesdale so bad that he wanted his soul.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

1st Day of School

As I step out the door of my house the bright morning sun welcomed my presence. I stopped by and picked up my friend and took off at jet speed to school. As we walked through the entrance, students greeted us as if we were celebrities. After my thrid period it seemed that this school year was going to be easy as pie, but my last period quickly changed it into a dreaded nightmare.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Sensory Experience

1. Touch: The object I touch reminded me of the arm of my chair at home that I lay on after a long day of practice every day.

2. Taste: This object I ate reminded me of Easter egg hunting when I was young.

3. Sound: This sound reminded me of the storm we had a few days ago. It was a thunderstorm and during the storm the rain was very heavy.

4. Smell: This scent reminded me of the candles my church used to sell for fundraisers; the candles all had different scent.

5. Sight: This image reminds me of when I hid in the bushes when we was trying to sneak up on one of my friends late at night over the summer break.

Bad Habit

My bad habit is biting my nails. Whenever I'm nervous and anxious I'll bite my nails. Tests and Football games are two of the main things that will send my habit into over drive.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

In one of my classes at Scotland Highschool, Home of Scotland County's Fighting Scots, my teacher is Ms. O'Donnell, the MST AP History teacher, that wore a red rose, that was postioned on the side of her head, in her hair that which she got from Myrtle Beach, one of the most popular beaches in North Carolina, as she help Mr. English talk about Aruthur Dimmesdale, the character in the Scarlet Letter I have to make a report on, in class on Friday.

1) Aruthur Dimmesdale, a young highly respected minister, is the character in the Scarlet Letter I have to make a report on.

2) Ms. O'Donnel, the MST AP History teacher at Scotland, was shopping at the mall Saturday.

3) Scotland Highschool, the school that my mother, aunts, and sister went to, just got a upgrade.

4) Myrtle Beach, the beach I visit every summer, just got a new addition to the strip.

5) I gave one of my best friends a red rose, a flower that symbolisms love, respect, and friendship, for Valentine's Day.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Worst Driving

The worst driving experience was the racing go carts at carowinds. My friends and I were racing the carts and my friends kept cutting in front of me. I told them to stay to one side, but they refused to listen. This time I didn't slow down when they cut in front, and my cart hit the back of theirs. They started spinnning in the middle of the road and their cart stopped working .

Friday, August 20, 2010

My greatest challege so far this year is this AP class. The only tips I have for myself is don't doubt and keep trying. Some things that can make this class better is not giving work on top of class, and help more with more with reviewing before a test.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Letter A

I think the letter A represents Adulture. The Bostonian view this letter as a unclean sign, saying that she went against God and her husband. Hester views this symbol as a great burden because now she is considered an outcast and viewed as a example of evil. Baby Pearl view the letter as a work of beauty,she loves playing and grabing it.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Suppression - is gathering information from a specific source
Repression - Hold back from

Connotation - Giving a idea
Detatonation - Specifically pointing out something

Supress: Right now I'm surpressing that I won't be able to maintain my good GPA because of this class. After the first day the doubt began to develop because of the overview my teachers gave me. What made me really surpess this class is the first quiz in English that i didn't do good on.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Dear Dairy

I'm still trying to get adjusted to this class, school time, and football practice. Sometimes it feel like its not enough time in the day to get everything done. I'm hoping can still get all my work done and get an A in this class. AP History and English is really the only class I'm really worried about.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Tho shalt not commited Adultery

Attention all town people, there has been a serious and evil deed done. Hester Prynn, a local town woman, has committed adultery. She has refused to give the name of her follow adulterer, and is now awaiting punish. She can be seen standing on the podium awaiting her punishment with the forbidden child in arm.

Friday, August 13, 2010


It was the 11th day of November, 1993. The clock had just struck 12:00 am and the night sky began to turn a dark gray. This was the birth day of the young man Ernie Robinson. Since his birth the elders of the town could foresee that his future would be golden by the spark in his young eyes. Years passed and the young Ernie began grew into a musclar, smart, and began a well known man around the town. The day was coming when his life would change forever, the day when he will discover his true destiny.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

nature vs nurture

I believe in that we have knowledge of sin when we are born because no one has to teach us how to do wrong or be bad.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Hawthorne's inspriration

Nathaniel Hawthorne inspriration for writting this novel was his life at the time. At this point in his life, Nathaniel was going through his darkest hours.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Christopher Columbus

What I remember about Chirstopher Columbus was that he discover new land "America" and I remember he was a european explorer.

Monday, August 9, 2010

4 Images response

Image 1: This image depicts a woman's beauty and happiness. The image is really focusing a woman in a pagent and her moment to shine.
Image 2: This image has the mood of loneliness; A young girl alone at a game.
Image 3: Image 3 shows congraulations or a compromise. 2 men are engaging in a firm handshake.
Image 4: This picture depicts anger and frustration. A young boy is not enjoying a game maybe because of a bad call or play.

8/9/2010 Better Reader

The two reading tips that I got from this article were rereading and slow down. Rereading can benefit a reader by helping get a better understanding of the text. The pace at which you read can help by giving a reader a better chance of remembering what was read and important pieces of text.