1) Meteors give off a bright light threw out the night sky, a light that would catch anyones attetention. The 3 meteors represent Dimmesdale, mighty Hester, and young Pearl. The sight of their family together and holding hands was an amazing sight. Everything that has been not spoken of and kept in the closet has now been brought to light. This was the meaning behind the black glove. "A pure hand needs no glove to cover it", Dimmesdale realized that there was no point of hiding any longer, so he didn't need to pretend anymore.
2) The family's bond when they came to gather holding hands was strong. The electric chain was used to describe how powerful their connection was. Even though a electric chain can go not seen you can still feel the power that it has. Dimmesdales' reaction to the shock reveal that the bond was so powerful that it breath new life in him. He has gone years living a 2 life lifestyle and he finally knew how it felt to not prentend any longer.
3) The meaning of the scarlett letter changed over the years by losing its sinful meaning. Perviously the letter was the shamful badge of umpurity and dishonor, and whoever wore it was considered an outcast of the town. Now that 7 years has past Hester has compeletly redefined the meaning of the scarlett letter. Hester is no longer consider a low life woman, but considered one of the town's most respected. Towns people are starting to take the letter upon Hester's chest a token. As she walked through the town people would recognize her as a woman of great deeds and her generosity.
4) One of the things said that caught my eye in Hester and Chillingworth's conversation was the part when Hester asked should the truth be revealed. This is a very serious matter because Chillingsworth's reputation was in the hands of Hester. Chillensworth being the towns well known and respected medincine man could be put to shame, if Hester decides to get revenge for the time she spent being persecuted and shamed.
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