Monday, February 28, 2011


How did Hitler recieve all of his power?

What caused him to develop a hate for Jews?

What was his childhood like with his family?

Friday, February 25, 2011

1.During WWI, Germany had to pay over thirty three million dollars in war reperations to help repair the damage they caused to the Allied Powers.

2.After centuries of war and disagreement, the countries of Serbia and Montenegro signed a peace treaty.

3.Before the housing crisis in 2009, Montie Greer, a twenty two year old UC Berkely Graduate, lived in a plush suburb of Los Angeles. After losing his job as an engineer for microsoft due to cut backs, he became transient when he were evicted from his home.

4.One must not only be able to read and write effectively to be considered literate , but one must also be able to effectively speak or communicate the effective language.

5.After having lost twenty pounds in two months, Gena reached a plateau and did not lose any weight for a month.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Hoovervilles:   built camp put up usually on the edge of a town to house the dispossessed and destitute during the depression of the 1930s
  • Largest Hoovervilles lay in the center of New York's Central Park
  •  Unemployment figures were very high, and many people did not have the money to pay their rents or mortgages caused the production of Hoovervilles
  • President Herbert Hoover had not responded to their needs or done enough to stop the depression, called their communities "Hoovervilles."

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Compromise of 1850:  Its goal was to deal with the spread of slavery to territories in order to keep northern and southern interests in balance. This compromise was a series of five bills.

Compromise of 1877:  Was an attempt to prevent a second outbreak of violence. It also was intended to provide financial subsidies to the South, although that did not come to pass.

The Great Compromise: Centered on how many representatives each state should have in the new government's lawmaking branch, the U.S. Congress

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Political Machine

Political Machine a local or state political organization. They get their power from immagates coming to the US to try to persuade them to vote for them. Goverment programs that help them to adjust to the new world and literacy test.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Point of View

Accepting who one is shows gratitude for being born into this world. Changing who someone is for the benefit of others displays a sense of ungratefulness and lack of self-confidence. Why not be proud of who one is? Who is to say he or she is nobody just because of his or her skin tone? The person who says it is exposing himself or herself as a hypocrite unworthy of someone's presence.

Friday, February 18, 2011

SAT W.O.T.D. Practice (week 25)

1.When Johnny hurled a cupcake across the cafeteria, no one could have ever imagined the severity of the food fight that would ensure

2.Joanie always felt the presence of serendipity in her life; she found a one hundred dollar bill as a child, she found a 2,000 dollar Coheri Indian Warhead as a teen, and she first met her future millionaire husband in Burger King.

3.After losing four straight times to the school's number one tennis player, Jake's morale finally plummeted, so he decided not to play him anymore and risk embarrassment.

4.After living in Las Vegas, Nevada for three years, Jenni's moral changed as she no longer found fault in many things she used to when living at home, such as gambling and regular consumption of alcohol.

5.If Tahler and Dan were to incite their classmates to storm The White House and burn it down, this would be a form of sedition

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Benchmark IV

My goal for this Benchmark IV is to pass. As long as i get a passing grade I will be satisfied. My grade that I am aiming to get is to get atleast a 80 percent.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

SAT Prep Practice

1. Some of the Smithsonian Institution's most prized items, from Duke Ellington's musical transcripts to First Ladies' gowns, coming from unsolicited donations.

(D) came from

2. Predictably, detail-oriented workers are ----------------keeping track of the myriad particulars of a situation.

(B) adept at

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I think the worst job is being a trashman. Dealing with trash and waste all day can leave you sick. The worst day for a trashman had to be a day when trash covers them from head to toe right before going home.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


My most mermorable distinctive memory was hanging out with my friends.  When we were together we would ride around or visit the mall. When we would return, we played basketball untill night and then relaxed.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Grow Up

When i grow up I would like to be an architect. Design things and watching it come to life is something i'll like to be part of. The career that I would like to try would also become a professional football player, but the results after retirement and the injuries could be a blemish to that want.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

"Grand Finale"

My biggest chanllege for the PBL was creating the video. My greatest joy was recording the rap and experimenting with the different effects in GarageBand.

Friday, February 4, 2011

SAT W.O.T.D week 23


1.Marilyn seems to be trying to __________________ her earlier statements about the man she is now engaged to marry; formerly, she stated, “He is a pig, and I would not touch him with a ten foot pole.”

2.Since no one in AP Biology except Katie will be able to attend the important study session after school today, her friends are begging her to take _____________________ notes so they will not miss anything important they need to know to pass the exam.

3.During his restroom break, Tim decided to ___________________ down VAPA's main hall; he was caught by Principal McRae without a note and landed in Dr. Duckworth's office.

4.It __________________ me that Alexa makes Cs and Ds in most of her classes yet she scored a 2,050 on the SAT.

5.During the argument, the prosecutor brought to attention the fact that the defense attorney seems to ________________himself; earlier he stated “James has been known to have anger problems, but he is not a killer,” but then later he said, “James has solid control over his anger, and no one really has taken note of his so-called anger problems.”

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Gilded vs Progressive

Gilded: great social change and economic growth, rapid industrialization, urbanization, the construction of great transcontinental railroads, innovations in science and technology, and the rise of big business.

Progressive:  forward-looking political movement that attempted to redress some of the ills that had arisen during the Gilded Age,  passed legislation to rein in big business, combat corruption, free the government from special interests, and protect the rights of consumers, workers, immigrants, and the poor.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


The typical connotation of the word "colored" is to represent the African American race. From the essay Hurston meant that she was colored when she was in a crowd of dominantly white.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

DBQ & Synthesis

The differences between DBQ and Synthesis essay are

Synthesis: Sources provided

DBQ: Documents provided

Synthesis: Primary and secondary sources used

DBQ: Only primary sources used

Synthesis: Suggested writing time: 40 minutes

DBQ: Suggested writing time: 45 minutes

Synthesis: Outside information not required

DBQ: Outside information required

Synthesis: Must use a minimum of three sources

DBQ: Expected to use more than half of the documents (not specifically stated in the directions)

Synthesis: Prompt in three parts: directions, introduction, and assignment

DBQ:  Directions with statement or question