Monday, January 31, 2011


Agriculture InventionsCotton Gin
Corn Picker

Cotton Harvester

Crop Rotation

Hay Cultivation

Milking Machine

Technoligical Inventions

Sewing Machine
Electrical Light
The "Box" telephone
Vacuum evaporation system

Friday, January 28, 2011

SAT PRACTICE (1/28/11)

1.A caterpillar's transformation into a butterfly is a well-known transfiguration in nature.

2.Alexander the Great rode in full gallantry atop his coal colored horse covered in armor of pure gold to face 1,000 Burman soldiers who were ready to decimate him.

3.Not only did Jacob's mom notice that he had grown several inches over the summer, but she also noticed that he become a bit portly and wondered what grandma had been feeding him in Nashville.

4.Twirling locks of hair around the face, batting eye lashes, and speaking in soft, whispery tones are all forms of coquetry women use to show they are attracted to the male across from them.

5.“I relish the moments we have spent together,” said Todd just before he hugged his girlfriend one last time before heading off to Iraq.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

PBL Need to Know

Some things I need to know about our PBL is the organization of the music video. Another thing is if we have covered enough information about our topics in our rap. The last thing thats a "need to know", is the dance routine.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wilson's 14 Points

Wilson's 14 Points were first outlined in a speech Wilson gave to the American Congress in January 1918. It became the basis for a peace programme.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

World War I started because the assination of Austrian Arch Duke. US got invovled because the explosion of an American ship, and America blaming Britain because of the explosion. The inventions invented were machince guns, and planes.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Music Video

The things most videos have in common are cars, money, big houses, clubs, girls, jewelry, dancing, and fashion. They can also have alot of video effects and other celebrities.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Dream automobile

My dream car is a midnight blue lambo. My car will have tinted windows, butterfly doors, rims to match the paint, and matching interior. 

Friday, January 21, 2011

SAT W.O.T.D Practice

1.Finally, out of Nannie's talk and her own Conjecteres over the matter, Janie made a sort of comfort for herself in her mind.

2.Janie stood at Nannie's gatepost looking at first up the road and then down it waiting for life to Commence

3.When Pheoby told Janie the townspeople believed that Tea Cake had taken all her money and left her for a younger girl, Janie said they were wrong and that Tea Cake had given her every Consoltation in the world.

4.It was a Languid sort of day; the townspeople gathered on Phoeby's porch and watched the dust swirl down the street in silence.

5.Nannie looked at Janie: “Whut's de matter, sugar? You ain't none too Srpy dis mornin'. What done sucked de life outta you? I know you ain't tired”


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Difference between Conceding, Qualifying, and Refuting

The difference betweem conceding, qualifying, and refuting is that conceding is going along with or agreeing with a statement/quote and refuting means to go against or disagree with a statement/quote. Qualifying means that you have an open view to an subject.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Muckracker were a group of writer that exposed the negatives of the 1900s. Upton Sinclair was considered one because he let the unhealthness and uncleanliness of the food company in Packingtown. The most disturbing thing I read was the injuries recieved while working and the processes they used when producing their food.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday, January 7, 2011

Thursday, January 6, 2011

American Dream

Our American Dream in today's time is to become wealthy and have many acessories. Looking at today's television you come across many celebrities with fancy cars, houses, and clothes. The dream in past time was to get by in life with a nice family, but now its money is power.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


The question I have about the novel is why did Gabspy throw all of his parties and I want to discuss the ending to get a more clearer understanding.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year's Resolution for 2011

One thing that I will improve is my speed and max. I want to improve these two things because these skills will help me in my athletic activities. The process for improvement will also help me get in shape and tone my body.